Thursday, March 20, 2008


Differences between British English (Br.E) and American English (Am.E) are always something that interest those who study English. I dare say these differences occasionally mess up my English. Let's go over some examples concerning vocabulary.

BRITISH ------------AMERICAN------------- TRANSLATION
bill....................... check ..............conta (restaurante)
petrol station ...........gas station ............posto de gasolina
chip .....................French fries ...........batata frita
crisps ..................chips ...............salgadinho de batata
handbag ...............purse ....................bolsa
lift....................... elevator .................elevador
lorry ...................truck .....................caminhão
rubbish ...................garbage ................lixo
sweets ................candy ....................bala, doce
tap ......................faucet .....................torneira
trainers ................sneakers ...............tênis

Well, these are just a few examples. There's much more to list! As soon as I find out how to post a doc file here, I'll come up with something better. Bear in mind that in an English speaking countries other than England and the US, you're most likely to use Br.E. My own experience tells me that Canadian English most often tends to be more American.
Anyway ... meanwhile, I came across this YouTube video the other day. It is a British lad with a nice accent who talks about some of these differences. I thought it was cool! I hope you like it.


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